viajes-turismo,recetas sin gluten,noticias en Argentina.Hoy Tipico plato Sueco :RAGGMUNK
I have been talking with my good friend Tomas Pettersson from Sweden about food and he has sent to me a typical Swedish dish which is called:
RAGGMUNK ,Its basically potato panncakes

IT is not gluten free but it is a good one.
Here goes the reciepe!!!
1 kilo potatoes
2 eggs
2 deciliter wheat flour
4 deciliter milk
2 teaspoons of salt
50 g butter
Optional for serving : lingonberry jam
Take out a rather large bowl and mix milk, flour, eggs and salt to a smooth texture.
Peel the potatoes, grate them and put them into the bowl with the mix.Heat a frying pan with a piece of the butter and let it melt. Take one deciliter of the mix from the bowl and fry it on medium heat for about 2 min. Flip it over and heat it for another 1-2 min.Repeat for the rest of the mix.
Traditionally it is served with lingonberry jam and milk and fried pork slices, but that is not a must.